Sars Cov 2 And Covid 19
SARS-Cov-2 and COVID-19
SARS-CoV-2 (formerly 2019-nCoV or Wuhan Coronavirus) which causes the disease designated as COVID-19.*
curl -s "" > bat_SARSlike.fasta
curl -s "" > 2019-nCoV.fasta
makeblastdb -in 2019-nCoV.fasta -dbtype nucl
blastn -query bat_SARSlike.fasta -db 2019-nCoV.fasta
blastn -query bat_SARSlike.fasta -db 2019-nCoV.fasta -outfmt '6 qseqid staxids pident evalue qcovhsp bitscore stitle'
* Which is confusing since SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) is already a part of the official virus name but then why is the disease called COVID-19 instead of just SARS-2 or SARS-2019?